24 oktober 1793: official start of french revolution calendar
1 januari 1806: abolished by command of emperor Napoleon I
the French introduced also a new clock that divided a day in 10 hours of each 100 minutes
every minute counted 100 seconds
a full day counted 100.000 seconds
the french revolution calendar was first used more than a year after the start of the French Republic
it was a great reformation of the national convention together with the introducing of the metric system.
the republican year:
one year was 365 or 366 days divided in 12 months of 30 days each followed by 5 or 6 extra days.
the names of the months:
1. Vendemiaire
2. Brumaire
3. Frimaire
4. Nivose
5. Pluviose
6. Ventose
7. Germinal
8. Floreal
9. Prairial
10. Messidor
11. Thermidor
12. Fructidor
each month was divided in 3 parts of 10 days each.
the last day was a vacation day.
it was a way to de-religonise the calendar.
between each vacation day were 9 days.
the names of the days:
the extra 5 or 6 days came after the last day of Fructidor and were named:
1. Fete de la vertu
2. Fete du genie
3. Fete du travail
4. Fete de l opinion
5. Fete des recompenses
6. Jour de la revolution ( leap day )
each year started at the beginning of autumn ( 22 SEPTEMBER )
counting of the years.
the years were counted since the erection of the French Republic on 22 september 1792
that day became the first vendemiare of the year 1 of the Republic.
leap year:
a leap year was introduced to keep "New Year" in balance with the real start of the autumn.
this was very difficult because the real start of the autumn was not easy to foresee.
therefor they should mahe adjustements in the year 20 in agreedment with the 4000 year rule of the gregorian calendar.
due to the cancelation of the calendar that rule was without any importance.
the years 3 ,7 and 11 were leap years.
conversion from the calendar into the gregorian:
jaar 1: 22 sept 1792
jaar 2: 22 sept 1793
jaar 3: 22 sept 1794
jaar 4: 23 sept 1795
jaar 5: 22 sept 1796
jaar 6: 22 sept 1797
jaar 7: 22 sept 1798
jaar 8: 23 sept 1799
jaar 9: 23 sept 1800
jaar 10: 23 sept 1801
jaar 11: 23 sept 1802
jaar 12: 24 sept 1803
jaar 13: 23 sept 1804
jaar 14: 23 sept 1805